2. System requirements for target computers
Operating system | Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10 Runs on iMac and MacBook computers in a Windows virtual machine (e.g. VMWare Fusion or Parallels). |
.NET Framework | NET Framework 4.7.2 or higher is required. |
Memory | 4 GB required, 8 GB or more recommended |
Hard disk space | 600 MB (not including the .NET Framework) |
Screen resolution | 1024*768 pixels is required; 1280*800 pixels or higher is recommended. Note: When you run memoQ on 120 dpi, you may encounter screen resolution problems and some dialogs may not be displayed correctly. Note: memoQ 2015 and newer supports high DPI. Note: 125%+ display scaling is not supported. |
Other software | Microsoft Office is not required to work with DOC, XLS, RTF, DOCX, XLSX, and PPTX files. Microsoft Office 2013 is supported. Note: If you do not have MS Office installed on your computer, Aspose is used by default to create a preview for the MS Office formats. Aspose does the conversion between the old MS Office formats (DOC, XLS and PPT) and the new OpenXML ones (DOCX, XLSX) without relying on MS Office. You do not need to have MS Office installed to import MS Office file formats. Aspose also creates the HTML preview for these formats. Note: If you use Office 2013, then PPTX preview is not supported. Note: If you work with PowerPoint files, you need to have MS Office installed. |
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