Using MQXLIFF files in SDL Studio
Description: Sometimes you have a translator that does not work with memoQ or circumstances where you need to translate a document outside of memoQ. You can do this in using the memoQ XLIFF bilingual export.
There is an OpenExchange "app" that promises some level of support for memoQ XLIFF files in version 2014 of Trados Studio. See the app page for more information, and turn to the author for support: the author is independent from memoQ. If you use an earlier version of Studio, or cannot use this app for some reason, follow these steps.
1. Create a project in memoQ, and import your file.
2. Export your file: In the Translations pane, below the Documents tab, click the Export bilingual link.
3. Choose memoQ XLIFF. Make sure you do not check the compressed file (*.mqxlz) check box. Export a file with the *.mqxliff file extension.
Note: By choosing the MQXLIFF format over MQXLZ, you will lose the preview and the versioning of your file.
4. Open SDL Studio, go to the File Type option. Select the XLIFF filter, and add the *.mqxliff file extension to the existing XLIFF filter.
5. Now create a project in SDL Studio, and import the MQXLIFF file. SDL Studio will now recognize this file extension, since you added it to the existing XLIFF filter.
6. Translate your file in SDL Studio, export it as MQXLIFF again.
7. Open your existing memoQ project, and import the MQXLIFF file to update your existing document in memoQ. memoQ will recognize the file and will perform the update of the file.
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