Reports in memoQ
When you work on a project, you can generate several types of reports: an analysis (statistics), a progress report on the progress of your project and a post-translation analysis, done when your project is finished. Post-translation analysis is available in the project manager edition of memoQ, and works only if you received the current project in a handoff package, or you are the project manager of a project – and you receive delivery packages, or work on an online project. For post-translation analysis, memoQ sets up the same match rate bands as in Statistics (101%, 100%, 95-99%, 85-94%, 75-84%, 50-74%, No match), and calculates the analysis in the same format. The most obvious difference is that this time memoQ does not look up the segments in the translation memories. Instead, it takes the match rate numbers from the segments in the documents.
Go to Overview > Reports. You can base the reports on segments, words or character count.
Note: The post-translation analysis counts segments where a translator was stored. If for a row no user is stored in “confirmed by translator X” that word count does not show up anywhere. This can happen e.g. if segments were translated by a Reviewer 1 role and not by a Translator role.
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